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Terms of use,in-line linking to images is not allowed, disclaimer, limitation of liability Terms of use,in-line linking to images is not allowed, disclaimer, limitation of liability

Gallery JT Ltds web site
Terms and conditions
Gallery JT Ltd. in the text below is translated from Swedish company name:
Gallery JT AB.
Terms and conditions as follows govern your use of the Gallery JT Ltd.s web sites on which they are posted.
Eventual changes may be made at any time and such changes will only be posted on the site.
By buying on the site, using, browsing or accessing on the site you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
-If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you may not access or otherwise use the site.
1. We reserve from eventual clearance sale of any product which results in
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2. Bids are not binding for Gallery JT Ltd. until bidding process is finished.
3. Proprietary rights.
Your use of the site does not grant  you ownership of any content, software, code, data, or materials you may access on the site.
As between you and Gallery JT Ltd.s, Gallery JT Ltd. owns, solely and exclusively all rights, title and interest in and to the site.
Gallery JT Ltd. owns all the content on the site including but not limited to any patent rights, database rights, copyrights, trademark rights, trade secrets, moral rights including the rights of authorship and attribution and subsequent modification, sui generis rights and other intellectual property and proprietary rights whether registered or unregistered in any jurisdiction therein.
4. Linking to the website,,,
You agree that if you include a link from any other web site to this web site, such link shall open in a new browser window,shall  read Gallery JT Ltd.s web site, and:  SUCH LINK SHALL LINK TO THE FULL VERSION OF AN HTML FORMATTED PAGE OF THIS WEB SITE.
You are not permitted to link directly to any image
hosted on the web site or our services such as using an "in-line" linking method, also named as hot linking method to cause the image hosted by Gallery JT Ltd. to be displayed on another web site.
You agree not to link from any other website to this web Site in any manner such that the web Site or any page of the web Site is framed, surrounded or obfuscated by any third party content, materials or branding.
Breaking the copyright law can lead to two years imprisonment and you also  risk to be sentenced to pay very high sums of money to the copyright owner if you violate the copyright law.
In Swedish law of immaterial rights  there is an explicit section of the law about indemnification which is unusual within private law in Sweden.
In Sweden an on line piracy case/copyright theft recently was tried where the defendants the founders of a file sharing site were found guilty of collaborating and sentenced to one year in prison for their part in the crime.They were also sentenced to pay a fine of 30 million Swedish crownes which is 355 006 USD.
Information from prosecutor:
HD NEA 1991 (High court): The owner of  system server, the computor system operator can be convicted for assisting copyrighting fringement.
NEA 2000: MP3 case.
2001-02 s.52 Consciousness sharing, assisting sharing can be judged for assisting copyrighting infringement.
Other related copyright cases concerning sharing files: Supreme Court of the US No 04-480
5. Gallery JT Ltd. would like to emphasize that  Gallery JT Ltd. always is prepared to  make corrections if diverge conclusive evidence is presented concerning originator to a work of art.  
Gallery JT Ltd. (Gallery JT AB in Swedish language.) reserve the right to make changes of all eventual types of wrong information on this website.
Gallery JT Ltd.s site including without limitation all services, content, functions and material is provided "as is" "as available" without warranty of any kind whether express or implied by statue, common law or otherwise concerning:
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6.4 If you are dissatisfied with the site, your sole remedy is to discontinue using the site.
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In no event shall Gallery JT Ltd. (Gallery JT AB) its affiliates or any of their directors, board members,  officers, employees, contact persons, agents or content or service providers (collectively, the protective entities be liable whether in an action based on a contract indemnification, tort (including without limitation negligence),obligation, collaterally or arising from any statutory duty, pre-contract or other representations, or otherwise however arising for any economic losses including without limitation loss of goodwill, revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings or any direct, indirect, special incidental consequential exemplary or punitive damages arising from or directly or indirectly related to the use of or the inability to use the site or the content materials and functions related thereto, your provision of information via the site, lost sales or lost business, even if such protected entity has been advised of the possibility of such damages some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidential or cvonsequential damages so some of the above limitations may not apply to certain users. In no event shall the protected entities be liable for or in connection with any content posted,, exchanged,received or transmitted by or on behalf of any user or other person on or throough the site, in no event shall the total aggregate liability of the protected entities to you for all damages losses and causes of action (whether in contract or tort, including, but no limited to, negligance or otherwise) arising from the terms and conditions or your use of the site exceed, in the aggregate the amount if any paid by you to Gallery JT Ltd. for your use of the site or purchase of products or services via the site.
Gallery JT Ltd. make no warranty that the site will meet users' requirements.

Gallery JT Ltd. always try to ensure that the information posted on this website is correct and up to date.
Gallery JT Ltd. reserve the right to change or make corrections to any of the information provided on the site at any time and without any prior warning.
Gallery JT Ltd. cannot and do not guarantee the precision,correctness, thoroughness or completeness of any of the information available on the site. Nor will Gallery JT Ltd. be liable for any inaccuracy or omission concerning any of the information provided on the site.

Gallery JT Ltd. solely ownes user right to logotype Gallery JT AB as it is presented on the web site, 

Gallery JT Ltd. disclaims all responsibilities in all circumstances that are similar to what is written in terms and conditions and all informations given by Gallery JT Ltd. (Gallery JT AB in Swedish language.)

 © Gallery JT Ltd.  Gallery JT AB


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Glömt Lösenord?
01.* Lennart Sand akvarellerad etsning
02.*24 karat GULD 70 delar! Helt komplett 2 lager SÅLT!
04.*Torsten Palm oljemåln,raritet
05.Bror Albert Valentin Göransson
06.Gunnar Nylund
07.Hans Norsbo. Stor akvarellmålning!
08.Information om Gallery JT AB
09.Jorn Asger(tillskriven) monogramsignerad olja på duk
10.Lennart Sand SÅLD!
Sam Uhrdin(1886-1964) Kvinna från Mora
Sam Uhrdin(1886-1964) Kvinna från Mora
Det finns inga recensioner.
Svenska English

All pictures and information - Copyright © GalleryJT AB - Konstverk är skyddade i enlighet med svensk upphovsrättslag Gallery JT AB