Serious companies and private persons does not libel anyone else in any context. This is a code of conduct which Gallery JT Ltd always respects.
Information about: Swedish Law (1998:112 about electronic public notice boards,(internet forums and so on.) The Swedish law is also known and referred to as BBS law and regulates the transmitting of notices on the internet and the ethernet.
The following Swedish law (1998:112) regulates transmitting of messages in permanent form. Examples are electronic communications via message board, home pages, via e-mail. Law (1998:112 1§ This law regulates electronic communications on message boards. A message board is in this context a service for transmitting of electronic communications, notices. In this law electronic communications means text, images, sound and information in general. Supervision of the service 4§ The one who supplies an electronic communication notice board shall, in order to oblique the responibility according to 5 § have the service under reasonably satisfactory supervision according to the extent and forms of activities. To remove notices is obligatory 5§ If a user sends in an electronic notice or message to an electronic message board the one who supply the service is obliged to remove the message/notice or in some other way stop the spreading of the message/notice if 2. it is obvious that the user has been violating the law of copyright legislation or violating the rights that is protected within direction in 5 § chapter law (1960:729)about copyright to literary and artistically produced artwork, by sending in the message. The obligatory according the first line is also valid, effective for any one who is supervising the service for the supplier. PUNISHMENT 6 § The one who breaks the 3§ by intent or by casualness will be sentenced to pay a fine. 7 § The one who by intent or by gross casualness breaks against the first sentence in 5§ will be sentenced to two years imprisonment.
FORFEIT 8 § Computers and other property that have been used in committing the crime according to 7§ this law are declared forfeited if necessary to prevent further criminality or else if other reasonable grounds can be adduced. This very same rule is effective on property that has been intended to be used in such crime in cases the crime has been committed. Forfeit can be partially or totally dismissed if forfeit is unreasonable or exorbitant. Law(2005:315)
Information from prosecutor: HD NEA 1991 (High court): The owner of system server, the computor system operator can be convicted for assisting copyrighting fringement. NEA 2000: MP3 case. 2001-02 s.52 Consciousness sharing, assisting sharing can be judged for assisting copyrighting fringement. Other related copyright cases concerning sharing files: Supreme Court of the US No 04-480
© GALLERY JT Ltd Laws of libel, defamatory There are laws against libel all over the world. Serious companies and private persons does not libel anyone else in any context. This is a code of conduct which Gallery JT Ltd always respects.
LIBEL Libel is another crime that can occure on the internet/ethernet which can affect private persons as well as companies. An actual example of punishment for libel in 2009 is a fine of 25.000 swedish crownes. (3.228 USD) An example of libel is for example if someone claims that someone in particular is engaged in criminal behavior/criminal offences. Jan Rosén professor in copyright laws says that the owners to companies can file lawsuits even though the Swedish law against libel is not in force for companies. -If the company is small enough so that individuals are indicated the case is clear professor Jan Rosén says. Source: PoinLex Legala affarer. (Legal businesses.) TO RUN THE RISK OF BEING PROSECUTED ACCORDINGLY TO SWEDISH LAW CRIMINAL CODE/SECTION: 5: 1 DEMANDS THAT YOU HAVE SPOKEN ILL OF SOMEBODY AND THAT OTHERS CAN READ WHAT YOU HAVE DECLARED. An example of speaking ill of somebody can be to claim that someone is bad in his/her work or to expose someone disrespectfully to others. It is not important whether what you have claimed is truthful or not to be convicted and further it is not demanded that someone really has disdained the libelled. There is a risk of being prosecuted for libelling even when someone claims the information to be originating from rumours. Source: LAWLINE HB -SEE ALSO TERMS OF USE FOR THE WEB SITE! © GALLERY JT Ltd IS A SERIOUS COMPANY WHICH NEVER HAVE HAD ANY KIND OF RECLAIMS FROM ANY CUSTOMER IN ANY CONTEXT.