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2.1 OPPONENTERNA! Förvaring bank (3)
2.2 Impressionister från Sverige (2)
2.3 Carl Larsson (3)
2.4 A-B-C målningar! (3)
3. Oljemålningar/original (55)
5. Speciella erbjudanden! (10)
6. AUKTIONER online Lämna BUD nu (16)
7.Akvareller/Gouacher (15)
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PayPal, BIC IBAN BG och PAYSON betallänk VISA MasterCard, InternetBankPayPal, BIC IBAN BG och PAYSON betallänk VISA MasterCard, InternetBank
Auktioner online REGLER och informationAuktioner online REGLER och information
Lagen avseende Elektroniska anslagstavlor upphovsrätt. FörtalLagen avseende Elektroniska anslagstavlor upphovsrätt. Förtal
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Payson Faktura köpeavtalstextPayson Faktura köpeavtalstext
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Buyer information PG,BG, Paypal,IBAN BIC, Payson; Visa, Mastercard Buyer information PG,BG, Paypal,IBAN BIC, Payson; Visa, Mastercard

GALLERY JT AB (GALLERY JT Ltd) Information: AB is Ltd in Swedish language.
Gallery JT Ltd only use safe methods for money transactions and has therefore chosen to use Paypal (all PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy) and Payson for accepting payments with creditcards.
All credit card payments on the internet are made through Paypal or Payson.
Gallery JT Ltd do not receive or store information about bank accounts, numbers concerning payments made by banktransfer or creditcard and that is the reason why Gallery JT Ltd do not show the Verisign or SLL logotypes on Gallery JT Ltds web site.
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Gallery JT Ltd can also bill every customer through Paypal and the customer do not have to have a Paypal account of their own. If you are using this option please write in the order information that you choose to pay a bill with Paypal and write down your email-adress.
IBAN: SE87 8000 0816 6198 4203 2410
Payment can also be made to Gallery JT Ltds bank transfer number (BG=bankgirot in Swedish language): 5424-4025, or to PG 80 09 24-3 SEK or in cash or creditcard in the boutique situated in Falun, Sweden.
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Payson cooperates with Swedish banks: SEB, Nordea, Swedbank and Handelsbanken and credit cards Visa and Mastercard.
For payments with American Express or other creditcard we can bill you through Paypal who accepts payments by American Express, see information above.
Paypal can also be used for payments. All PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy.
1. When the order has been checked an email will be sent with information about chosen payment method with the total amount.
2. Payment can thereafter be made via bank transfer number BG 5424-4025 or or via paypal, payson, Visa, American Express, Mastercard or Internetbank, cash or via PG 80 09 24-3 (SEK) creditcard.
Gallery JT Ltd now offers payson guarantee as an alternative payment method:
Valuables are kept safely stored.
3. Please observe that prices in $ and £ and in € are updated by Gallery JT Ltd to correct exchange rate at the actual sales date.
Please contact Gallery JT Ltd  before displaying of any particular piece of art so that an exhibition can be arranged. (All paintings and artwork are not available for exhibit in the gallery situated in Falun, Promenaden 29, Dalecarlia, Sweden.)
PLEASE READ ALSO INFORMATION  terms of use for this website to the lower left under information.
Only artwork in category 6 Auctions online are sold in bidding process.
Serious bidding offers concerning all objects are however considered.
At any sale through bidding process the biddning is not binding for Gallery JT Ltd until the bidding process is finished. 

We always give serious information about originators to respective piece of artwork.
All informations are available concerning estimates and also eventual informations regarding provenance or informations about other historical facts are always available for all serious interested parties or customers.
Every piece of artwork for sale displayed by Gallery JT Ltd has been thoroughlly investigated by university educated person.
Depending on what destination the products will be sent to an eventual extra fee for freight, cargo may be added.
Every order is checked manually and confirmed by email.
This is to ensure that the merchandise, the painting has not been sold in the gallery before the order has been checked.
In case payment is made and the merchandise cannot be delivered the payment will be returned.
You are also welcome to make agreement with us to pay a down payment to Gallery JT Ltds bank transfer account 5424-4025 (BG)or PG 80 09 24-3 or down payment by creditcard with Paypal or Payson in order to reserve the painting/object until agreed time for collecting the object when the final sum can be payed in cash or creditcard.
Gallery JT Ltd can often give a discount on second or third painting if an considerable order is being made.
You are very welcome to trade in Gallery JT Ltds galleries.
Gallery JT Ltd now offers deposit opportunity in an amendment to existing conditions of sale and terms of use: Paintings and other merchandise with a Buy Now price 100 USD - 4.095 USD can be reserved on payment of a deposit sum of 67 USD to Gallery JT Ltds bank account, Bg (available in Sweden), or BIC IBAN payment from abroad (or via Paypal or Payson). The deposit sum is 10% of the buy now price for all items with a value over 4.095 USD.
The deposit sum for Isaac Hirsche Grünewald is consequently 54.578 USD, 10%.
Full payment must thereafter be payed within 3 months if something else has not been agreed.

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Glömt Lösenord?
01.* Lennart Sand akvarellerad etsning
02.*24 karat GULD 70 delar! Helt komplett 2 lager SÅLT!
04.*Torsten Palm oljemåln,raritet
05.Bror Albert Valentin Göransson
06.Gunnar Nylund
07.Hans Norsbo. Stor akvarellmålning!
08.Information om Gallery JT AB
09.Jorn Asger(tillskriven) monogramsignerad olja på duk
10.Lennart Sand SÅLD!
1700-tals ljusstake i Mässing*
1700-tals ljusstake i Mässing*
Det finns inga recensioner.
Svenska English

All pictures and information - Copyright © GalleryJT AB - Konstverk är skyddade i enlighet med svensk upphovsrättslag Gallery JT AB